22 Nov 2023
L’Association des Professionnels de l’Electrification Hors réseau du Cameroun (APELCA) est une organisation à but non lucratif, créée en Août 2021, lors de l’assemblée générale const...
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12 Jul 2023
The Renewable Energy Industries Association of Malawi (REIAMA) were established in 1999 with the explicit aim of promoting renewable energy technologies (RETs) in a sustainable manner to the satisfact...
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08 Jul 2021
ALER is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization for Development) whose mission is to promote renewable energies in Portuguese-speaking countries. The Association works as a facilitator of business oppor...
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04 Nov 2020
The Congolese Association for Renewable and Decentralized Energies – ACERD is an independent non-profit organization working in the renewable energy industry in the DRC. Founded in July 2018, at...
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