29 Feb 2024
In recent years, there has been remarkable growth in the demand for carbon credits from Africa, surpassing global growth rates in this sector. Despite the region’s strong potential, accounting f...
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20 Sep 2021
The new portfolio stems from a 2020 competitive call for proposals on Clean Energy Powering Green Growth. From among 357 applications submitted, 26 companies were awarded a total of EUR 8.3 million ...
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11 Dec 2020
A new report exploring recent developments in the clean energy market in Southern and East Africa based on insights from EEP Africa’s support for early-stage, private sector-led projects. In its [&h...
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02 Jun 2020
Released on 26 May 2020 The global market for off-grid solar technologies is growing rapidly. Investments in e-waste management are needed now to ensure that the sector grows sustainably and […...
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