The 2018 global trends indicated that investing in renewable energy is investing in a future profitable to all. The investments in renewable energy in 2018 were three folds higher than the amounts invested in coal and gas fired generators. According to the report from International Renewable Energy Agency, at the end of 2018, global renewable generation capacity amounted to 2351 GW of which hydro accounted for the largest share of the total, with an installed capacity of 1172 GW, followed by wind and solar energy that accounted capacities of 564 GW and 486 GW respectively.
As per the World Bank Group, roughly 1 billion people or 13% of the world’s population live without electricity. Between 2014 and 2018, the World Bank provided more than $11.5 billion in financing for renewable energy and energy efficiency in Africa. They could meet nearly a quarter of the energy needs from indigenous and clean renewable energy by 2030.
Kenya itself aims to produce 19,200 MW against a demand of 15,000 MW by 2030. The population is expected to grow from 49 million to about 90 million people by 2050. Since only about 40% of the population now has reliable electricity service, about 1,500 miles of new transmission lines are under construction, with plans for an additional 3,600 miles.
With this insight and the ensuing opportunities in the neighbouring countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Tanzania, Bricsa Consulting is committed to host the 4th Annual PowerTech Africa, a 2 day exclusive closed-door gathering of senior renewable practitioners from both public and private sectors across the world with a keen interest to participate in the growth and development opportunities in the region. We look forward to welcoming the interested participants to share the platform and be a part of the elite gathering looking towards a positive outcome.
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