Huawei Fusionsolar launches Luna 2.0 solar solution in South Africa
11 Apr 2024

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Leading global digital power and product solution vendor, Huawei has launched its innovative Fusionsolar Residential Luna 2.0 solar solution to the South African market.

The product can be utilized in smaller scenarios i.e. residential, Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME), and business.

The solution, which comes in different scopes, 10 kW with 5 kWh battery capacity per module, expandible to 30 kWh, is an important step in the technological advancement of energy storage systems in South Africa.

Given the country’s frequent power outages and unstable electricity supply, solar PV and energy storage systems have become increasingly vital.

By capturing and storing renewable energy like solar power, they provide an alternative power source for South African’s electricity needs. Additionally, they contribute to balancing the power grid, enhancing energy efficiency, and reducing electricity costs.

But, in this challenging electricity scarce environment like South Africa, ensuring the safety of energy storage systems is crucial.

These systems involve electrical equipment and battery technology, and improper installation or maintenance may lead to risks such as fires, electrical hazards, and even adverse environmental impacts.

The Luna 2.0 system aims to enhance the advantages that solar and energy storage systems offer while also mitigating the safety issues associated with them. The Smart PV solution aims to do so while supporting seamless on-grid/off-grid switchover.