Euroconvention Global is pleased to announce the hosting of RENPOWER ETHIOPIA: The 3rd Renewable Energy & Power Infrastructure Investors Conference. The event will take place in Addis Ababa on 7 November 2019. Registration for the event is open.
Background – The Government of Ethiopia has launched an ambitious plan in 2016 so as to speed up the energy transition, supporting the deployment of plants and new technology in order to catch the country’s abundant renewable sources. The Growth and Transformation Plan 2 aims to reduce significantly the country’s strong dependency on hydropower and to enhance the diversification of the country’s energy mix. Ethiopia can accommodate up to 3.6 GW of wind capacity and as much as 5.3 GW of solar PV capacity by 2030. The Government plans to achieve a well-balanced energy mix by growing from the current 0.3 GW of wind capacity to 2.4 GW by 2025, before reaching 3.6 GW by 2030. In the same period, virtually inexistent solar PV capacity can reach an impressive 3.3 GW by 2025 ahead of the 5.3 GW projected installed capacity by 2030. With more than 60 million habitants – still without electricity – Ethiopia’s growth in renewable capacity is big, opening the door for significant business development, partnerships and investment.
Audience – Participants will include representatives from the Government, International Finance Institutions, policy makers, international and local developers, EPC contractors, independent power producers, technology providers and engineering, manufacturers, legal and advisory services, banking and private equity entities.
Agenda and registration – The detailed agenda, speaker line-up and registration form will be available upon your written inquiry. Early bird conditions are currently applied so make sure to take advantage.