Solar PV saw its lowest levelized cost of energy (LCOE) — 1.78 US cents/kWh — in a bidding contest in October 2017 to Saudi Arabia’s first 300 MWp utility-scale solar PV Plant in Sakakah. Compared to the lowest LCOE bids of 3 US cents/kWh submitted to DEWA in May 2016; the cost has come down almost 40 percent for every kWh sold to the Grid.
Optimization of solar PV plants’ output plays an essential role in not only making “solar cheap” but also ensuring its long and durable life — increasing dependability on the intermittent sunlight.
Intelligent control strategies and optimization methods are utilized in solar energy systems.
Optimizations strategies reduce emissions and costs of system into maximizing reliability. Solar energy systems enhance the output power and minimize the interruptions in the connected load
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