With increasing renewable energy options and higher energy penetrations, the integration of renewable energy into existing thermal grids is increasing.
But how can buyers and sellers ensure maximum energy savings while also ensuring the lowest technical risk for the host plant without incurring significant additional costs in the process?
Good integration of variable renewable energy into the existing thermal energy grid should not impact on the energy system/grid’s stability and reliability.
Join ESI Africa and Mining Review Africa for a live discussion where our panel of technical experts will provide insights on how to evaluate renewable energy offerings and how to balance commercial PPA obligations while maintaining grid stability.
Key discussion points will include:
• How to optimise renewable energy penetration versus grid stability
o Technical considerations o Commercial/PPA risk sharing
o Performance guarantees (renewable energy versus thermal baseload energy)
• Battery energy storage systems as storage or “spinning reserve” equivalent for diesel
o Current IPP offerings o Balancing the use of batteries
o PV now and battery + PV later
• Offset calculations of renewable energy versus time of use tariff
o Renewable energy generation profiles versus utility tariff regimes
o Change in tariffs over time linked to the PPA
o Commercial considerations