As part of their efforts to boost the achievement of SDG 7 in Burundi, supported by  GET.invest  Burundi , Global Off-Grid Lighting Association ( GOGLA ), Alliance for Rural Electrification ( ARE ) and the Burundi Renewable Energy Association ( BUREA ),  the European Union  and the  World Bank  will jointly organize the 2nd edition of the Burundi Renewable Energy Access Days, from October 3 to 5, 2023 in Bujumbura, BurundiÂ
The event is placed under the high patronage of the Government of Burundi, the  Ministry of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines (MHEM)  and the General Directorate of Energy.
The Burundi Renewable Energy Access Days are the main energy sector meeting in the country (i) assessing emerging considerations for Burundi’s strategy on universal access to electricity coupled with climate agenda and (ii) providing a platform for knowledge exchange, networking and showcasing renewable energy products and services.
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