The total capacity of this ground project is 6MW, which is comprised of several projects ranging from 1to 2MW Â and installed in Diego, Tamatave, Majunga and other places. Due to the frequent cyclone season, the maximum wind speed is higher than 60m/s. Madagascar has a tropical rainforest climate, with lots of rain, flat but muddy land. Antai Solar adopted concrete foundation with aluminum mounting system with the measurement and calculation by the engineer for ensuring sufficient strength in cyclone weather.
Antai Solar provide the solar mounting solutions through OCEAN TRADE, and the project was successfully completed under the efforts of parties.
Among one of the projects, Mr Andry Nirina Rajoelina, president of Malagasy, had visited and inaugurated the 2MW solar hybrid project in Tamatave,
It’s estimated that the project will allows the cut of 1400t of CO2 per year!
Physical Potential
A majority of Madagascar’s renewable energy potential remains unharnessed. The country has high hydro, solar, and wind potential and considerable biomass resources. In its New Energy Policy (NEP), the government identified an ambition to produce 85% of the country’s power from renewable sources by 2030
Solar Potential
Madagascar has a large solar energy potential. Almost all regions of Madagascar receive over 2,800 hours of sunshine per year, with the daily solar radiation ranging from 1,500 to 2,100 kWh/m2. PV systems are currently utilized for powering public buildings such as health clinics, as well as off-grid community electrification solutions. A few foreign companies are assisting with various electrification projects on a small-scale (i.e. solar-powered pumps for clean water)
Above Madagascar related PV policies quote from:
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Nancy Wang
M: +86 1775921492
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