Dutch & Co

Driving forward the energy transition in Ghana by implementing sustainable energy projects with a high impact at the same time – lowering the electricity demand using LED lighting and increasing the supply using PV Solar – this is the goal. Dutch & Co has been offering its clients and stakeholders sustainable solutions since 2011, where high value is placed on a social impact in addition to the positive impact on climate and environment.

Ghanaian registered company Dutch and Company Limited (Dutch & Co) is a fully licensed company, specialized in the development and execution of climate-friendly LED and photovoltaic solar projects for businesses in Ghana. Dutch & Co’s customers are mainly commercial and industrial companies such as banks, retail, hospitals, hotels, office buildings, factories, processing plants as well as schools, churches and non-profit organizations. These suffer from high grid electricity costs and power outages that lead to interruptions and failures. By providing clean and stable solar power, Dutch & Co’s customers can save money and increase their economic performance. This promotes the creation of new jobs and positive economic impact in general.